Sunday, November 05, 2006

So Fortunate

Some days I can't stop feeling sorry for myself, but really I am very fortunate. I have the most wonderful friends a person could have. I don't know what I would do without them. One of my co-workers and I were talking about how rough things were when she told me about a friend who ended up in jail because of drugs and alcohol. His ex-wife had remarried and then divorced by the time he was released. He has a child with her and when he returned to their lives they were remarried. He had his family back, got a job, and things were going well. Well they weren't so great. He ended up with a brain aneurysm, and died.

Ok, I didn't write this to make everyone depressed, (if anyone reads this blog), it was to make a point. No one knows how much time on this earth they have and we should live for today. It's hard to do some days, but we need to try. Thank someone who has helped you, tell your family and friends you love them, and don't put off keeping in touch with far away family and friends. Do a random act of kindness and smile.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my family and friends for everything they have done for me and hope to return the favor if they need me. I am the most blessed person alive.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG!!!! Barb! Hellooooooo Babe from Kansas!!! I'm so glad you left a comment on my blog. How cool. I didn't know you had a blog. And you bet I'll read it. Can I put a link to yours on mine? If I can figure it out I mean! LOLOL

10:54 AM  
Blogger Dreaming again said...

Barb!!! Hiya!!! :D

Nice to see you here!

11:10 AM  

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