Hoser isn't one of those lap cats. He is pretty much a loner and only allowed petting if he was hungry, tired or sick. Most people were afraid of him and didn't like to walk past his spot in the hall he claimed. It was right near a heat duct and the warmest spot in the house. Even the dog Sushi would wine if she had to walk past Hoser until we coaxed her through it. Recently Hoser was sick and although he was on his third round with antibiotics, he stopped eating and wasn't getting better. We fed him water with a syringe but he only allowed that because he was too weak to fight. Last night was our last night with Hoser. We took him back to the vet only to be told he was too ill to recover. We lost him this afternoon. I will miss Hoser. He was one of a kind.
Hi there. From what it looks like, Hoser was a cutie of a kittie. I'm sorry for your loss - but maybe now Sushi can relax. =)
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